Green-Campus - Told with Exposure
#GREENWEEK2024 Takes place in campuses around the country from March 4th to 8th and surrounding weeks. See our blogsite for updates!
‘Education for Sustainable Development: Co-Creating Common Areas of Need and Concern’ is a recently published synthesis report based on two workshop sessions run by Green-Campus Ireland and UCC Green Campus in November 2021. This report is focused on identifying the common challenges and opportunities that exist in our current teaching and learning system in relation [...]
The votes are in from the nine campuses participating in the initiative. Students, Staff and the Public have voted on the Climate Action related ‘micro projects’ that they want to see implemented on these campuses in the short-term. The purpose of this initiative is to create visible and tangible positive sustainability impacts influenced by you. [...]
The purpose of this Global Challenges – Campus Actions initiative is to create visible and tangible positive sustainability impacts influenced by You. The nine campuses that you find below are all participating in the Green-Campus programme. Here they have identified three Climate Action related ‘micro projects’ each that could be implemented on their respective campus [...]
The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan (AIPP) for 2021-2025 is a new five-year road map that aims to help bees, other pollinating insects and our wider biodiversity. It is about encouraging a better way of managing our whole landscape to permanently support our struggling biodiversity. Responsibility for delivering the actions contained in this new Plan is shared [...]
With campuses currently closed, staff and students from third level across Ireland have shared some of the initiatives and actions they are taking part in at home. Check it out here
The annual Green-Campus Network Meeting takes place on February 5th in the Wood Quay Venue. Futher details available at the link below.